Yosemite field trip information for the 2024-2025 year!
Click on this link for all the information you need for the Yosemite trip
Parent information zoom meeting (Link): Tuesday August 20, 6:00 PM
Each fall, eighth-graders have the opportunity to spend a week in Yosemite as part of the NatureBridge experience.
Trip Donation Information
The suggested donation is $1114. The school will welcome any donation you can make in full or partial amount towards the trip. You can bring a check, made out to Mountain View Whisman School District or cash to the office. Donations can be accepted post trip.
FYI, the per-student cost covers:
NatureBridge program cost: 5 days/4 nights of program tuition, room and board, and all activities and instruction.
Transportation: round trip on charter bus.
Administration and supervision: planning and administration of the program, teacher stipends, and cost of substitute teachers.
Various other expenses: supplies, duplication of materials, etc.