PE and Athletics

Go Panthers!

All extracurriculars such as school athletics are generously supported by Mountain View Educational Foundation (MVEF), Crittenden PTA, and our school district.

MVEF, with the help of community member donations, proudly funds coaches, referees, new sports equipment, and more. Learn additional information and donate at


For eligibility to participate in after school sports with Crittenden, students need to have paperwork filled out and signed, which they receive at the beginning of the season, containing two contracts: Crittenden Sports Permission Slip and Student-Athlete Contract.

Crittenden's After School Sports Program stays open to any student who holds a 2.0 GPA or higher and maintains good standing with our school with no suspensions. If a student who already makes the team drops below the minimum GPA, the athletic directors (ADS) and coach/coaches will support that student so that they can successfully manage both academics and athletics as a student-athlete. We look for those students who represent Crittenden well, have good citizenship, and have a love for the sport in which they hope to compete. Our school is in a competitive Santa Clara Valley Middle School Athletic League, where many of our student-athletes continue playing sports in high school.

Apart from cross country, wrestling, and track and field, we host a week of tryouts for each sport. Signups for tryouts get posted on the PE teachers’ office window at least one week before they start. Every sport runs approximately seven weeks with practices and typically 10 games/meets. 

Below are the sports that we offer with their schedules (practices and games/meets). Schedules for each season will be sent home with the players at the start of the season. You can also check our league’s website,, to view schedules, rules, and scores.

We have five sports seasons. As long as we have enough students to fill a team, we offer the following sports:
Sports by Season, Tryout Dates and Schedules
Season #1 (8/26 - 10/10) Tryout Date 8/26

Cross Country (coed)

Girls' Softball (one team, all grades)

Boys’ Basketball (three teams: 6th, 7th, and 8th)
Season #2 (10/7 - 12/5) Tryout Date 10/7

Wrestling (coed)

Girls’ Volleyball (three teams: 6th, 7th, and 8th)
Season #3 (12/9 - 2/6) Tryout Date 12/9

Boys’ Volleyball (three teams: 6th, 7th, and 8th)

Girls’ Soccer (two teams: 6/7th team and 7/8th team)


Season #4 (2/10 - 4/3) Tryout Date 2/10

Girls’ Basketball (Schedules: (6th, 7th, and 8th)

Boys’ Soccer (Schedules: (6/7th team and 7/8th team)

Season #5 (4/7 - 5/14) Tryout Date 4/7

Track & Field (coed, all grades):


Important Links

Resources for Student Training


Title IX Information

Education Code 221.9

Total Sports Enrollment: 267

Male: 188 

Female: 197

Non-binary (X): 4
Quick Question and Answer (Q&A):
Q: Who is the athletic director (AD) and their contact information? A: My name is Mr. Tapan Dave ([email protected]) and I am your best point of contact for all sports at Crittenden Middle School. I also teach 7th and 8th grade History at Crittenden.
Q: Is there a website that gives schedules of games with updated scores and team rankings? A: Yes. Please refer to
Q: What time are sports on Thursdays since they are shorter dismissal days? A: The start time of the sport is still at 3:30 PM, so we want students to go home and then come back.
Q: Do games/meets get canceled/rescheduled due to weather conditions? A:  Weather conditions (e.g., intense heat) and air quality can impact sports, which can render practices/meets/games getting either canceled/rescheduled or cut shorter. As the athletic director (AD), I prioritize our student athletes’ safety. Also, each athlete has a hardcopy schedule of all practices and games/meets. Reach out to their coach or to Mr. Dave if you want an electronic schedule.

We held a sports informational meeting at the beginning of the school year with pertinent school sports information. You can see the Google Slides here

Looking for Coaches We are looking for experienced coaches who work well with children for our competitive school athletics program. Apply to coach with us on EdJoin: You can also email us if interested.
Contact Information

Please feel free to reach out at [email protected]. I am happy to answer any questions and support you. Thank you! Go Panthers! 🐾

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